Is Vince Vaughn Right or Left-Handed?

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Vince Vaughn has been acting since the late ‘80s. Is he right or left-handed?. 

The available evidence suggests Vince Vaughn is right-handed. Vaughn has not made a statement as to which is his dominant hand. However, video footage of him signing autographs consistently shows the actor signing with his right hand, indicating that he is part of the 90 percent majority of the population that is right-handed.

Stick around to learn some other interesting facts about Vince Vaughn.

He’s Missing Part of his Thumb

Vince revealed that when he was a teenager, he was involved in a car accident, which left his thumb permanently disfigured. He explained, “I had the skin ripped off the back part of my thumb. The length of my thumb is the same but the back pad got ripped off.”

He Did an “Afterschool Special”

Before he made a name for himself in Hollywood, Vince Vaughn was in CBS Schoolbreak Special: The Fourth Man, which aired in 1990. The made-for-TV movies were similar to ABC’s Afterschool Special and presented topical, often controversial subjects, for adolescents and teens.

Vince plays a track athlete and friend of another athlete who chooses to take steroids to boost his performance. The actor would have been around 20 years old at the time and received positive reviews for his performance. 

His Father Has Dabbled in Acting

The acting gene must run in the family since Vince’s father, Vernon Vaughn, has acted alongside his son in more than a handful of Vince’s films. 

The father-of-three had a part in the following films: Term Life, Couples Retreat, Four Christmases,The Break-Up, Made, Swingers.

He Only Just Graduated High School

Vince Vaughn graduated from Lake Forest High School, in Illinois, in the year 1988. He didn’t have the best grades but he knew that the president of the senior class would have to make a speech at the graduation. 

Vaughn got himself elected president so he had a guaranteed place at the graduation. Pretty smart for someone with bad grades! 

He’s Super Tall

Vince Vaughn stands at 6’5” or 1.96 meters. That’s tall! The actor’s height can become pretty noticeable when he stars alongside actors and actresses that stand on the shorter side. 

Look at the promotional poster for Four Christmases with Reese Witherspoon below. Witherspoon normally stands at 5’1” or 1.56 meters, when she’s not cheating by wearing heels and standing on four wrapped gifts.

He Didn’t Get Along With Reese Witherspoon

Their difference in height wasn’t the only polarity faced by the actors. Insiders on the set of Four Christmases (2008) reported that the pair’s vastly different approach caused a huge amount of conflict. A source reported the following:

“Vince rolls onto set in the morning looking like he just came in from a night out, while Reese will arrive early looking camera-ready,” they said.

They continued, “Then Reese tries to force Vince into blocking out each scene and running through their lines as Vince tries to convince her that he’s an ad-libber and wants to play around and see where the scene goes.”

Apparently things got so bad Reese Witherspoon refused to film a sex scene that had already been in the script. Eek!

It’s no wonder, then, that Vaughn opted not to join forces with Witherspoon in order to promote the film ahead of its release. Instead, the actress was forced to head the campaign, appearing on talk shows and magazine covers alone.

The tension between the two actors may have already been brewing in this scene from Four Christmases, which begins with the pair giving each other a little side-eye:
