Gina Rodriguez dropped the n-word in an Instagram Story, then offered a fauxpology

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Los Angeles premiere of Netflix's 'Someone Great' - Arrivals

You know what kills me about Gina Rodriguez? Everybody wanted to love her. We wanted to be so proud of her and we wanted to champion this talented Hispanic actress who broke through in such a big way with Jane the Virgin. She had all the goodwill. And she just sort of ruined it, over and over again. She’s repeatedly made tone-deaf and offensive comments about race and racial/cultural issues. Which would have been bad enough, but she made it worse by not directly apologizing. Instead of coming out and saying “damn, I’m sort of young and dumb and I need to listen more,” she wept and played the victim during an interview with Sway in the Morning. That was just in January of this year!! Her argument back then was that white people and Asian people totally understand that she never meant to offend people, it was just the pesky and touchy black community who had a problem with her, like they were willfully choosing to misrepresent her.

Well, guess what? Gina Rodriguez dropped the n-word in an Instagram Story yesterday. SHE POSTED IT. She made that choice because she thought she was being so funny and cute.


— sandman (@ceciIiaparikh) October 15, 2019

She deleted it soon after, and issued this hilariously bad apology:


— sandman (@ceciIiaparikh) October 15, 2019

“I really am sorry IF I OFFENDED YOU.” “I’m sorry if I offended anyone by singing along to the Fugees, to a song I love, to a song I grew up on, I love Lauryn Hill…” Oh honey this is not the way. I mean, nothing will stop the onslaught, but at the very f–king least, you could issue a real and heartfelt apology: “I’m sorry. I should not have said that word. I am an idiot.” WHY IS THAT SO HARD??

Then, very early this morning, Gina published a better apology on Instagram. While this is a “better” apology, the fact that it came out about twelve hours after the initial IG Story is not a good sign.

gina rodriguez and scarlett johansson having the same PR team is so funny skdjdjdjdj whole company probably has high blood pressure

— hani (@haniruok) October 15, 2019

you're gina rodriguez. you were just accused of anti-black racism earlier this year. you cried defending yourself.

do you

— Steadman™ (@AsteadWesley) October 15, 2019

Photos courtesy of WENN.
