Kylie Jenner Spotted Out With Mystery Date after Fighting With Jaden Smith (PHOTOS)

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Kylie Jenner Spotted Out With Mystery Date after Fighting With Jaden Smith (PHOTOS)

Supposedly Kylie Jenner spent time last weekend hanging out with rumored boyfriend of about a year, Jaden Smith. My guess is that things didn’t go so well between them because on Monday Kylie was spotted out on what looked like a date with a mystery guy in L.A. It was very clear that Kylie wanted this date to be … Keep Reading

Maria Shriver Spotted With Mystery Man During Lunch In Brentwood - New Boyfriend? (PHOTOS)

It’s been more than two years since Maria Shriver broke off her marriage to Arnold Schwarzenegger, but only a few months since Maria’s been linked to Republican strategist Matthew Dowd. But has she already gone and gotten herself a new boyfriend? Maria was spotted having lunch with a mystery man at Tavern Restaurant in Brentwood earlier today, and he … Keep Reading

Ashton Kutcher and Rihanna Flirt and Hook Up AGAIN - Mila Kunis Freaks

So apparently Mila Kunis is turning into a real wicked witch when it comes to her boyfriend Ashton Kutcher. At least this is what the National Enquirer would like us to believe. The popular tabloid is reporting that Mila Kunis was “flipping out” with jealousy over her Two and a Half man Ashton talking to another woman over the … Keep Reading

The Bachelor "Women Tell All" Spoilers: Why Bachelorettes Hate Juan Pablo

Season 18 of The Bachelor has been a long and bumpy ride, but Juan Pablo has managed to narrow his search for love down to the Final Two, Clare Crawley and Nikki Ferrell. The Bachelor Season Finale isn’t set to air for two weeks on ABC, but next week Bachelor fans can tune in to the special ‘Women Tell … Keep Reading

GLOBE: Dying Queen Elizabeth Panics - Royals Going Broke and Camilla Parker-Bowles The Biggest Problem (PHOTO)

We have been saying for months now that the Royal family is just like everyone else around. They are subject to in-fighting, have totally dysfunctional family members and now it seems that even their finances are taking a hit. According to the March 10th print edition of GLOBE magazine the family’s spending has gotten out of control and the end … Keep Reading

Khloe Kardashian Drinking and Drugging Out Of Control: Headed For Rehab - Kris Jenner Blames The Game?

According to the new issue of OK! Magazine, Khloe Kardashian‘s ‘friends’ are apparently worried about her non-stop drinking and partying, and they’re reportedly worried about her ending up in rehab if she continues down this path.

Let me translate that in non-tabloid speak. Khloe Kardashian has decided that she’s losing momentum to her sisters, and either she or her … Keep Reading

Katy Perry and John Mayer Split: Couple Break Up as Katy Throws John To the Curb Again

Katy Perry and John Mayer may have shared a lovely Valentine’s Day dinner a week and a half ago but in the days that followed it sounds like something went pretty wrong. The duo has dated on and off since 2012 with those “off” points coming when Katy has busted John cheating. They reconciled last March and made it almost … Keep Reading

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Two Babies and a Wedding in France (PHOTO)

Oh, here we go again. It seems like every spring the rumors about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt tying the knot pick up speed. The couple has been together for nearly ten years now and while they are engaged, at least up until now they have proven to be in no rush to actually marry. In the past Angie has … Keep Reading
